Saturday, February 2, 2008

SUSE Linux related posts

SUSE Linux
SUSE (pronounced SOO-zuh) is a Linux operating system owned by Novell, Inc. SUSE stands for the German phrase Software- und System-Entwicklung (meaning Software and System Development).

SUSE Linux History
SUSE is the oldest existing commercial distribution of Linux. The company was founded in 1992 near Nuremberg in Germany. The first release of a Linux distribution by SUSE was early in 1994.

SUSE Linux Family Products - Personal category
Novell divides its SUSE Linux products into Enterprise and Personal. This is essentially the distinction between the versions that are sold with a paid-for software maintenance system and those that are not. The Personal category now consists of just one product, SUSE Linux Professional.

Comparing SUSE to Other Linux Versions
Using openSUSE Linux might be the best way to learn Linux if you have an eye toward becoming a Linux professional. With its focus on community development, you can be assured that you are getting some of the latest open source software available. The skills you learn will scale up nicely to the largest enterprise computing environments.

You may not realize it unless you are dual booting multiple operating systems, but after your BIOS starts firing up the fan, the microprocessor chip, and the power supply, a boot manager, or bootloader, takes over the process until the kernel starts up.

How SUSU Linux Loading the Kernel
When GRUB hands over the process to the SUSE Linux kernel, it leaves the scene. The kernel now takes charge, putting up the message Uncompressing Linux...; it is present and available to you until you shut down the system. While the kernel boots, SUSE Linux puts up a nice blue wallpaper to hide all the boring text that scrolls by as the kernel initializes first your peripheral hardware, then the hard drive and attending file systems, followed by the serial ports. Press the Esc key to watch the boot process unfold.

Understanding SUSE Linux X Window System
The X Window System represents two primary concepts. The X Window System was created to keep the UNIX kernel and GUI code separate. It was also designed for distributed processing based on the client/server model. That is, with X you don't need to have a computer with massive amounts of hard drive space and RAM to run graphical applications. A thin client with a connection to an X server is all you need. Nonetheless, if you have the aforementioned massive hard drive and hundreds of megabytes of RAM, you can host both the X server and many clients on your own machine.

Choosing a SUSE Linux Desktop Environment: KDE and GNOME
One of the cool things is that you can remain indecisive your whole life: You can choose what desktop to load every time you log in. Of course, you don't have to choose that often either; SUSE Linux will load whatever desktop you loaded last time by default (and the initial default, assuming you installed it, is KDE).

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