Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Apache Software Foundation

In 1999, the same folks who wrote the Apache server formed the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). The ASF is a nonprofit organization that was created to facilitate the development of open source software projects. Tomcat is developed under the auspices of the ASF. According to their Web site, the ASF accomplishes this goal by doing the following:

• Providing a foundation for open, collaborative software development projects by supplying hardware, communication, and business infrastructure

• Creating an independent legal entity to which companies and individuals can donate resources and be assured that those resources will be used for the public benefit

• Providing a means for individual volunteers to be sheltered from legal suits directed at ASF Projects

• Protecting the Apache brand (as applied to its software products) from being abused by other Organizations

In practice, the ASF does indeed sponsor a great many open source projects. While the best-known of these projects is likely the aforementioned Apache Web server, the ASF hosts many other well-respected and widely used projects, including such respected industry standards as the following:

• Xerces: A Java/C++ XML parser with JAXP bindings

• Ant: A Java-based build system (and much more)

• Axis: A Java-based Web services implementation

The number of ASF-sponsored projects is growing fast. Visit to see the latest list.

Source of Information : Apress Pro Apache Tomcat

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