This small but perfectly formed mouse from Microsoft is designed to be used with a laptop computer. For that reason it’s smaller than the average desktop model, and its tiny USB receiver fits neatly into a slot on the bottom when not in use. However, it works just as well with any desktop PC. As well as the usual two buttons it has a third smaller button to one side and a clickable wheel. One AA battery is required, which is included in the box. The Mobile Mouse 4000 uses Microsoft’s new Bluetrack technology ,and although we are not sure this is any better than the laser systems found in other mice it worked well enough. The mouse we tested came in a rather gaudy shade of yellowish green, but it’s also available in black and other shades. The retail price of £35 is high, but it can be found online for less than £20. At that price, it’s a good buy
Contact: Microsoft 0870 60 10 100
Info: www.microsoft.com/uk
Retail price: £35
Buy: www.computeractive.co.uk/bestprices
Source of Information : Computer Active Issue 310 January 7 2010
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