Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Going with Google Sites

Many clubs and organisations find it difficult to find the funds and expertise to put their communities on the web. I have started using Google Sites (http://sites.google.com) to build websites for various sports leagues and clubs associated with Crown Green Bowls. The sites I’ve made include www.scgba.co.uk, www.midshropbowls.com and www.albrightonbowls.co.uk.Google Sites offers the same benefits that many professional sites with secure pages enjoy, such as to allow officials of the organisation to enter and maintain their own pages. It also lets individual members of the organisation access competition entry forms, minutes of meetings and that kind of thing. This vastly reduces the admin cost of the organisation concerned and increases the efficiency of communication. There is no specialist software or skills required and it is all absolutely free. Google allows the addition of a domain name to give the site a professional feel. And, unlike similar sites, you don’t have to host its adverts, though you can optionally allow Google AdSense adverts, which will bring in revenue for the organisation. Madmax58, via Webuser.co.uk/

Source of Information : WebUser February 11 2010

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