Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ubuntu Mailing Lists

An up-to-date, full page of mailing lists for Ubuntu can be found at where users can see a list of available lists, view archived discussions, and can subscribe to lists through a Web interface. Table 8-1 presents the mailing lists organized by topic areas.
Lists are one of the oldest forms of communication by e-mail. A mailing list provides a single e-mail address that, when mailed to, will then relay the received message to a large number of people. In Ubuntu, lists are topical, and individuals can subscribe to a mailing list if they want to receive information on the list's topic. All mailing lists at Ubuntu are hosted at If you would like to send a message to a list, simply e-mail while replacing with the name of the list you are trying to mail.

With a few exceptions (e.g., the technical board e-mail list), anybody can subscribe to any Ubuntu list. In most cases, the capability to send e-mail to lists is restricted to list members (membership in lists is, of course, open to anyone). This means that all e-mail sent to a list from someone who is not a member of that list is put into a queue to be reviewed by a human "moderator" before it is broadcast to list members. This is done as an anti-spam measure. Users can subscribe to lists and then configure the system to never send e-mail. For several e-mail lists, all messages are moderated. This is largely to ensure that lists remain "low volume" or "announcement only."

Ubuntu's mailing lists are run by the popular Mailman software, which may be familiar to some users. Mailman makes it simple to subscribe to lists, to unsubscribe, and to configure any number of options about mail delivery. One popular option is to receive a daily "digest" of messages rather than a separate e-mail each time a new message is sent. This is all available through a Web interface at Users can also subscribe to lists by sending an e-mail with "subscribe" in the subject line to

While each list plays an important role in the Ubuntu community, a few central lists warrant a little more detail and may be a good idea for users to consider subscribing to. These are detailed below.


This fully moderated list relays all important announcements for the Ubuntu project and usually contains less than one e-mail per week. It is the first place where new releases are announced and where other important information can be found first. If you use Ubuntu, you may want to consider subscribing to this list. If you only subscribe to one list, this should be it.


This fully moderated list contains announcements related to the development of Ubuntu. It is low volume and contains one to three e-mails per week. If you work with code in Ubuntu, use a development release, or contribute on any technical level, you should be on this list. If you are at all involved in development for Ubuntu, this (in addition to ubuntu-announce) is the list you must subscribe to.


This is a primarily support-oriented list for questions and answers that Ubuntu users have. It is a very high-volume list, but it is an excellent place to ask questions and have them answered. It is a useful general-purpose list for discussion of any issue that pertains primarily to using Ubuntu.


This list is the primary site for general purpose discussion of Ubuntu development. If you are looking to contribute to Ubuntu in any technical way, you should subscribe to this list and begin to follow the discussion. The list is relatively high volume.


Sounder is the unmoderated community "chitchat" list. Sounder is the collective noun to describe a group of "Warthogs" and was initially the e-mail list that supported the small, invite-only group of users who tested the Ubuntu 4.10 Warty Warthog release before it was announced to the world. The list has been kept for historical reasons under the old name but now provides a venue for the discussion of anything that is "off topic" in the other venues. It frequently hosts discussion of Ubuntu news, events, advocacy, and activism and is an important list for any community member who is participating and contributing to Ubuntu in less technical ways.

Source of Information : The Official Ubuntu Book

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